Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Economic growh & environmental quality (haiti vs california) Essay

Economic growh & environmental quality (haiti vs california) - Essay Example This is because unlike California, Haiti has seen numerous political and environmental shocks that have severely hindered its growth. Nevertheless, economic growth in both California and Haiti comes with negative environmental outcomes comprising water and land pollution, greenhouse gas emissions as well as destruction of ecological landscape. Haiti economic growth largely centers on agriculture given that majority of the island is mountainous. Most of Haiti lush rainforests has been cleared for small-scale farming and charcoal burning, hence leaving only 28.3% of its land mass to be good for arable and commercial farming1. Agriculture accounts for the nation 25% of its GDP production. As a result, two thirds of Haiti labor-force still lives on small-scale subsistence farms which has resulted in economic stagnation, that has made Haiti the poorest nation in the western hemisphere. Hence, the nation has no substantial industrial or manufacturing sector, which then makes 40% of Haitian population to be unemployed even as the average income for most Haitian is less than $200 per year2. Haiti economy is largely driven by informal small-medium enterprises, which accounts for 80% of the nation new jobs. Nonetheless, the textile industry forms the second largest economic activity after arable farming. On the other hand, Californ ia has a GDP per capita income of $60,190 per year with the unemployment level standing at a much lower level of 7.4%3. Secondly, California has a diverse and highly skilled workforce working in different sectors unlike Haiti, and varies from high tech, to retail and service industry, to manufacturing, biotech, entertainment, to agriculture. Thus, before the 2007-2008 financial crises, California experienced per capita GDP growth that surpassed even the United States per-capita GDP expansion. In particular, the state share of the entire California manufacturing output grew from eight to

Monday, October 28, 2019

Nature in Literature Essay Example for Free

Nature in Literature Essay Nature is one of the most powerful forces that has ran through literature throughout human history. Ever since the first recorded dramas and philosophical works, man could not avoid being in contact with the world around him, and so his connection to the earth must inevitably be part of his story. In literature, when nature is addressed, it is often in praise or awe, of its terror or of its beauty. Nature can represent the real and visceral as well as the sublime and the mystic. If one examines the work of the Transcendentalists, the Romantic Poets, and certain novelists, it is evident that the underlying feeling is that Nature provides inspiration and bliss, as well as a much-needed refuge from society. One of the best known schools of thought which dealt with Nature in literature is Transcendentalism. The Transcendentalist movement began in America in the 1800s. Transcendentalists believed that the divine could be reached through nature, by any man. The hallmark work of the movement was Ralph Waldo Emerson’s Nature. The most famous section of the work is when Emerson recalls an experience he had in the woods, and says I become a transparent eye-ball. . . . I see all. The currents of the Universal Being circulate through me; I am part or particle of God. (Cromphout 210) Emerson tapped into an experience of non-being, connecting on a purely spiritual level through nature, without need of church or religion. Equally famed is Henry David Thoreau’s work Walden. In this classic, Thoreau captures the spirit of nature, solitude, and finding joy in both. As an experiment, Thoreau left society and went to live in a cabin on Walden Pond. In this famous statement, Thoreau sums up the mission of his experiment: I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. .. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, to live so sturdily and Spartan-like as to put to rout all that was not life, to cut a broad swath and shave close, to drive life into a corner, and reduce it to its lowest terms. † (Thoreau 5)He was making a stand against the materialism and convoluted nature of society- â€Å"Our life is frittered away by detail, simplify, simplify,† he says. For him nature represented the bare essentials- trees, rock, hunger, thirst; the things that lay behind the trappings of society. He took immense joy in the solitude and beauty of his life at Walden Pond. He farmed, observed, and lived in harmony with nature. Walden opened people’s eyes and inspired them, and might be the most classic example of nature in literature. Another Transcendentalist, the most radical and wonderfully incendiary, was Walt Whitman. His most famous work, Leaves of Grass, was written in free verse and was seen as controversial and even obscene by the uptight intellectuals of the day. The essence of his work is a deep oneness with nature, having no shame in being, and joy in what can be seen and felt. In Song of Myself, he says, â€Å"I am satisfied†¦ I see, dance, laugh, sing. † â€Å"The play of shine and shade on the trees as the supple boughs wag†¦ The feeling of health†¦ the full-noon trill†¦ the song of me rising from bed and meeting the sun. † (Whitman 12) For Whitman, nature is all he needs, he takes endless joy in being, tempering the intellect with natural physical pleasures. An equally important school of thought was the Romantic movement in Europe. Romanticism grew out of a rebellion against the Enlightenment and its stark intellectualism. Instead, romanticism revolves around passion, emotion, nature, mystery, turmoil, and all the qualities of life that were not constrained by reason. â€Å"Nature mysticism† was one of the most important aspects of the movement. (Micale 140) The romantics preferred the country and the wilderness to the city, and loved both gentle, pastoral landscapes as well as the turbulent, sublime, dramatic, and exotic. (Micale 150) Of course, literature was at the core of the Romantic movement, and the love of nature is reflected in its works. An excellent example of the â€Å"sublime† side of nature is found in the work of the mysterious literary figure Ossian, who influenced so many of the romantic writers. Ossian was actually the Scottish poet James Macpherson(1736-1796) who wrote a collection of ancient Scottish poems, claiming to be word-of-mouth folk tales, but it is supposed that he wrote them himself. (Simonsuuri 192) The poems involved misty, windblown, rocky landscapes and moonlight, and the romantic images and ideas he brought about captured the imagination of society and of individuals such as Goethe, Napoleon, and Jefferson. (Simonsuuri 287) People were drawn to this exotic, wild side of nature and the worlds that it conjured. An example of the green, pastoral side of nature in romantic literature is found in William Blake’s Songs of Innocence and of Experience. In the poem Laughing Song, he says:â€Å"When the green woods laugh with the voice of joyAnd the dimpling stream runs laughing by,When the air does laugh with our merry wit,And the green hill laughs with the noise of it. † (Blake 28) In Songs of Innocence, Blake connects the lovely landscape with youth, joy, and happiness. In his poetry, the countryside represents â€Å"innocence† and all things good, while the city represents â€Å"experience† and disillusionment. In conclusion, nature is one of the strongest forces found in literature. Men have written about the natural world and how it affects them for centuries, and will continue to do so. In Europe, Nature was at the core of the Romantic movement. Their works reflect both the stormy and sublime side of nature as well as the peaceful and pastoral. Either way, the romantics were moved to bliss and rapture by the beauties they saw around them. In America, a similar movement took place with the Transcendentalists, who believed that the unifying spirit in all things could be reached directly through nature. In literature, nature is often perceived with some amount of mysticism. To man, nature represents all that is not machine and society, it represents a state of freedom, passion, and beauty. If one examines the work of the Transcendentalists, the Romantic Poets, and certain novelists, it is evident that the underlying feeling is that Nature provides inspiration and bliss, as well as a much-needed refuge from society. Word count: 1100.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Eleanor Wilners On Ethnic Definitions :: On Ethnic Definitions Essays

"On Ethnic Definitions" is one of the shortest poems in Eleanor Wilner's anthology Reversing the Spell, but it is arguably one of the most powerful. In "Definitions," Wilner addresses issues of Jewish identity. As the title implies, she defines the Jewish people in ten lines. The nature of her definition is not immediately obvious, however. At first, readers unfamiliar with Jewish theology may believe that Wilner's definition is a bleak one that centers around death. It does at first appear that Wilner is saying that the very definition of the Jewish people is their death and burial, their destruction. However, after a brief explanation of the Jewish theology behind the poem, readers will see that Wilner's definition of the Jewish people is by no means a sad one, but rather a definition that includes hope and a future. Wilner begins by establishing the poem's setting with the first two lines: the small Jewish ghetto in Prague during World War II. Readers must, of course, be familiar with some Holocaust history to realize what Wilner is writing about. Then Wilner describes the way that the dead were buried standing up for lack of room, calling it the "underground / train to Sheol..." (5-6). In ancient Jewish theology, Sheol represented the underworld, or the afterlife. It was a place to which everyone went, no matter how one had lived one's life. Continuing with the train imagery, Wilner writes that the Holocaust was a "rush hour of ghosts" (7). But all hope is not lost; one day, the final train will arrive and "the final / trump [will sound]" (8-9). In the same line, Wilner lets readers who are familiar with Jewish theology in on what she is writing about. When she writes that "the Saved dead will rise" she is alluding to the coming of the Messiah, for Jewish theology asserts that the dead will be resurrected at that time (9). Then, in the most important line of the poem, Wilner states when the Messiah comes the dead who were buried standing up can "at last lie down" (10). In these few lines, Wilner has gone through the entire Jewish life cycle in the early 20th century. Jews live in small, cramped ghettos; they die at the hands of Aryan oppressors; they are buried in a way unbefitting their religious traditions; and they go to Sheol. The first five lines of the poem focus on the death and burial of the Jews of Prague.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Satire in Ch 5 of Great Gatsby

In the novel, The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald satirizes how newly wealthy Americans acted during the 1920’s through Jay Gatsby. The 1920’s was nicknamed the ‘Roaring Twenties’, and during this time period, many people were much more wealthy and were only interested in big, extravagant things. Jay Gatsby is an example of this. He was born poor, gained his wealth, and now he throws big parties at his mansion to impress hundreds of people. In the beginning of Chapter 5, Nick arrives at West Egg to find Gatsby’s mansion lighting up the night sky.Nick said to Gatsby, â€Å"Your place looks like the World’s Fair† (81). The significance of Nick's statement shows how Gatsby tries to be â€Å"old money†, when really he is â€Å"new money†. Gatsby tries to show off his wealth by turning on every single light in his mansion, but he lacks the class of those who really are â€Å"old money†. This satirizes how wealthy peopl e were during the 1920s; they were obnoxious and did not have the same class as those who were wealthy before that time period. Another example of this is when Fitzgerald tells the reader what Gatsby is wearing for when Daisy comes over Nick’s house.Fitzgerald wrote, â€Å"Gatsby, in a white flannel suit, silver shirt, and gold-colored tie, hurried in† (84). Daisy knows Gatsby as a poor man that she used to love, but couldn’t be with because her family didn’t approve. Gatsby still loves Daisy, and he dresses like this because he wants to impress her. Newly wealthy people during the 1920’s always wore expensive clothing. Gatsby dressing like this just satirizes those people, and shows he truly isn’t â€Å"old money†, no matter how hard he tries to be. Later in the chapter, Gatsby invited Daisy and Nick over to his house because he wants to show off his mansion to Daisy.Gatsby said, â€Å" I want you and Daisy to come over to my houseà ¢â‚¬  (89). Gatsby brought Daisy to his house, and even though she was impressed with what he has become, even Daisy realized that everything he owned is inelegant, and doesn’t have the same type of possessions that â€Å"old money† people have. This satirizes how people during the 1920’s tried to show off their flashy possessions, but they don’t truly have as much worth. Fitzgerald’s use of satire of newly wealthy people during the 1920’s are truly expressed through Gatsby’s actions and belongings.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Air Canada Summary Essay

This paper is an in-depth analysis of the General Conditions of Carriage and all the clauses that one must abide by when flying with Air Canada. Each clause will be looked at and explained to see what it means and what is implied by the clause. All the business law concepts that we have learned in class will then be applied to the contract to help understand all the risks that Air Canada may or may not be vulnerable to and what further steps they can take to defend themselves. I will then make recommendations to both Air Canada on how they can improve their contract, as well as the customer, warning them about the dangers that can arise if they take the terms and conditions lightly when signing a contract or in this case, purchasing a plane ticket. Air Canada gives the customer fair warning that they should familiarize and feel comfortable with their rules and regulations before purchasing a ticket, and most people overlook this step. The lessons I have learned after looking into the clauses and analyzing them will then be looked at. These lessons will help me as the customer when dealing with an organization such as Air Canada. Finally, we will be looking at the legal corrective measures that can be used to fix the contractual issues that have been found in Air Canada’s General Conditions of Carriage. These measures are there to not only clarify any clauses that may be unclear that may cause confusion, but also to help put Air Canada in a better position, so that they don’t have to be responsible or take liability for any unfortunate events or situations that may occur on one of their flights. These corrective measures will also help the customer as well so they will feel more safe, secure and comfortable when flying with Air Canada and their staff. The objectives of this paper are to analyze all the clauses that Air Canada has provided when flying with their airlines. I want to be able to read and understand each one carefully. If there is any vagueness with one of their rules than it will be brought up as a point of discussion. Another goal is just to understand all the clauses and learn something that I did not know to begin with. I quickly became aware just after scanning over the conditions quickly that there are many rules I did not know existed and most people would be shocked to learn that they have to give up that right when flying with Air Canada. I also want to look at the clauses and see if I consider them to be fair. Most people would be shocked to learn of some of the clauses including the fact that in almost all situations where the end result is bodily harm or even death, Air Canada is protected and does not need to assume any responsibility for what happened. Of course, if something like this happens just due to negligence on the part of an Air Canada employee, that is a whole other story that will be discussed later on. If I find that I don’t think a point is fair, it will be a topic of discussion where I will recommend a solution that can help both parties. For the most part, customers and passengers of Air Canada must understand that they are not being forced to take a flight with their airlines. Air Canada is performing a service for them and if they decide to accept this service then they must be willing to abide and play with Air Canada’s rules. This is because the main objective of Air Canada when writing up this contract is to provide a service where they can make a profit, but do it in a way where they are not at risk and cannot get into legal trouble. People must remember that the contract is not being drawn up for their well being, it is being drawn up for the well being of the company so that they are protected at all times. Air Canada has done a pretty good job of this as will be discussed later. It is important to look into all this as a student in commerce because Air Canada is more than just an airlines, it’s a business. All businesses have the same mentality, whether it’s an airlines, a law firm or an ice cream service; this mentality is that they must look out first for number one which is themselves, make sure that they cannot be hurt by the legal system, and then secondly, attempt to satisfy their customers to the best of their ability. This General Conditions of Carriage for Air Canada is a very good example for a student like myself in a commerce program about how the business world really works. The reason for this is because we are studying an actual contract for an actual company in the real world that have to deal with all the concepts and principles we talk about in class on an everyday basis. General Conditions of Carriage for Air Canada Air Canada’s General Conditions of Carriage starts off with its â€Å"Important Conditions† section. The first point is that passengers must get their boarding pass and check in baggage by their check-in deadline. The deadline varies depending on where the plane is departing from and going to. If you are flying within Canada, the check-in deadline is 30 minutes prior to the plane’s departure with a boarding gate deadline of 20 minutes. If you are flying from Canada to the United States or vice-versa, the check-in deadline is 60 minutes prior to take-off with a boarding gate deadline of 20 minutes. Finally, if you are flying from Canada to anywhere else in the world, the baggage check-in deadline is 60 minutes with a boarding gate deadline of 30 minutes. All this is just to ensure that the flight can take-off promptly at the planned time so that there would be no unnecessary delays and so the airlines can continue running smoothly. Obviously, it takes longer to prepare a plane when it is going to a foreign country versus just staying in Canada. That is why the deadline for check in as well as the recommended check in times are both greater when flying outside of the country. The second point is that they strongly recommend that passengers reconfirm their flight prior to the day of their flight. Passengers can check their flight status online or call their flight information system number. This is so that customers can feel safe that they are on the flight. Also, when calling in, they can ask any questions they have about their flight. By doing this prior to the day of the flight, this can help speed up the boarding process on the day of. The third condition is that the passenger’s assigned seat is not a guarantee and can possibly change without notice. If this does happen, Air Canada will do their best to transfer the person to a seat close by, and will try to make it of the same class or service. Any applicable fees will be refunded. This would be an unfortunate event but sometimes these situations cannot be avoided. If this happens, the only option Air Canada has would be to try and offer you the closest possible arrangement that you were expecting and paid for. The fourth condition is that any travel credits banked for unused tickets are not transferable. When the credit is used, it must be used by the same person whose name appears on the original ticket or document. Air Canada has put this clause in their so that people can not just work together, building up credits and having it be used on one person and essentially getting to fly free because of all the credit that has been built up. This also encourages people to save up their credit so that they can get a larger discount on a flight in the future. The fifth condition is that voluntary changes to a passenger’s flying program may require the payment of additional fees for upgrades. If the person has a non refundable ticket, and this incident results in an unexpected trip cancellation or emergency, Air Canada will not be able to make any exceptions and the fee will still need to be paid. For this reason, travel insurance is strongly recommended. This condition is notifying the customer that trip cancellations, whether it is the customer’s fault or not, may still require that the person pays the ticket. This is the reason why travel insurance is important and is offered. Of course, they recommend this travel insurance because it is another way for them to make money for the company. The General Conditions of Carriage then discusses the Checked Baggage Policy. This policy says that passengers are entitled to a free checked baggage allowance depending by the person’s fare, destination, date of flight and frequent flyer status. If the passenger has paid more for the flight, they are entitled to more free checked baggage. I would assume that if the destination that they are travelling to is farther away, they would also offer more checked baggage since destinations that are farther away usually indicate that people will be staying there longer. For example, a vacation to Australia would most likely be longer than a trip to Calgary. The date of the flight also has something to do with the amount of free checked baggage one can bring with them on the flight. The busier the day is, the less flexibility a passenger would have with being allowed to bring a large number of luggage with them. Finally, people with a better frequent flyer status are also entitled to more free checked baggage because this indicates that they are a loyal customer that continues to go back to Air Canada and the company would like to reward them for that loyalty. Passengers who travel on a codeshare flight, which is an Air Canada flight number but is operated by another airline, the person is subject to the rules of the airline operating the first flight of their flying program. If at anytime the person must recheck their baggage with another airline for their next connecting flight, the rules of that airline applies. You can tell if your flight is being run by a codeshare partner by looking for the â€Å"Operated by† note appearing when you are selecting flights on aircanada. com. The checked baggage limitations are broken up into two classes, economy class and executive first class. For economy class, the maximum overall measurement (length+width+height) cannot exceed 158cm and the maximum weight is 50 pounds. For executive first class, the maximum measurement cannot exceed 158cm as well but the maximum weight is 70 pounds. If these limits have been exceeded, additional checked baggage charges will apply. Again, Air Canada is rewarding people that buy a higher priced ticket by allowing them to bring more with them onto the plane. They are probably also assuming that the majority of people riding in first class are flying for business related reasons and may require to have more things brought with them on the trip. If a passenger chooses to bring additional baggage, then Air Canada requests that they show up 120 minutes before departure. Each additional bag that a person checks may cost up to $100. This is a not a refundable transaction so if the additional bags are delayed the cost stands as is. A small suggestion would be that Air Canada should notify the customer about why some additional baggage costs more than others so customers can plan ahead to see if they want to explore this option. Codeshare flights have the same rules as previously stated. If these additional bags exceed the weight and size limitations, the passenger will need to contact their local Air Canada Cargo sales office for the shipment of the bags. Air Canada also stresses that all your checked baggage are properly identified. Air Canada tries their best to make sure that the person and their baggage is transported on the same flight, however, many things can make this task challenging and sometimes it cannot be avoided. Since this does occur from time to time, they suggest that a passenger should put their information inside the bags as well because sometimes external tags can be damaged or detached. If the tags on the outside of the bag are damaged it can sometimes be impossible to locate who the owner of the bag is. Many people have the same type of baggage so this can lead to even more confusion. Air Canada does not take responsibility for lost baggage but they are at least trying to help their customers so this type of thing doesn’t happen. There are some items that must be brought in your carry-on baggage which is what you bring with you on the plane to your seat. These items include laptops, house and car keys, medication, cash and high valued items such as cameras, jewellery and electronic devices. The reason why Air Canada wants these high valued and often breakable items to be carried with the passenger is so that if a checked bag gets lost, there would be a lot more complaints since that bag could potentially contain hundreds of dollars worth of stuff. If something inside the bag breaks, Air Canada does not want to be responsible for that. Air Canada makes it clear that oversized carry-on bags are not allowed as this can take up too much space, cause trouble and ultimately delay flights. Each person can carry two pieces of carry-on luggage with them on the plane. This includes one carry-on bag or suitcase which cannot weigh more than 22 pounds and cannot have dimensions larger than 23cm by 40cm by 55cm. A back pack, duffle bag or one of those over the shoulder purses would fall under this category. They may also bring along a personal article like a briefcase, laptop, camera case or something of that nature. This article cannot weigh more than 22 pounds and cannot have dimensions larger than 16cm by 33cm by 43cm. Items that may also be brought onto the plane in addition to your carry-on items include coats, infant care system, cell phones, mp3 players or a special need item. Special need items include objects that a person would need for mobility such as a cane, crutch or communication device. Generally anything that is small enough to fit inside your pocket or can easily be carried by hand is acceptable. A container carrying life sustaining items or personal medication is obviously acceptable as well. Ever since the terrorists attacks of 9/11, security and precautions for boarding an airplane are tighter and more thorough than they’ve ever been to prevent anything like that from ever happening again. This is why a new policy has been put into place which doesn’t allow passengers to bring liquid or gels in containers over 100ml/100g with them when boarding the plane. These items will be confiscated at the security checkpoint and additional charges may be applied in order to check the items’ safety. Bombs and other dangerous weapons can be made from certain types of liquids and Air Canada does not want to take any chances. Air Canada advises that passengers that are waiting for connecting flights do not buy these types of items until they reach their destination because this can be a waste of money if they are confiscated once again while boarding for the connecting flight. There are a list of items that are prohibited from being brought on as a carry-on item. These items should be stored in the passenger’s checked baggage. Some of these items include sharp, piercing or cutting objects such as scissors, knives, saws and drills as well as potentially dangerous sporting equipment such as ice skates or hunting equipment such as rifles and hunting gear of that nature. The only exceptions to this rule are syringes or needles that are for personal medical use. This must be accompanied by the prescription medication. Electronic devices that can interfere with the plane’s navigational or communication equipment are also not allowed. The use of Bluetooth headsets, radio transmitters and laser pointers will not be tolerated as they can interfere with the flight systems or the staff aboard the plane. These items should be stored in the checked baggage, however, as previously stated, Air Canada is not responsible for the destruction or loss of these items. There are other items considered dangerous goods that will be brought up. There are also items that are acceptable items to bring with you as carry-on items that people may be confused about. These items include electronic devices for entertainment such as cameras, portable video game devices, laptops and mp3 devices. One book of matches per person as well as a specific type of lighter are also items that are allowed to be brought with you on the plane. Everything else that cannot physically harm another person or are small enough to fit the size requirements of carry-on baggage are always acceptable. Passengers may also bring their cats or small dogs with them provided that they stay in its carrier under the owner’s seat at all times. For one way travel within Canada or to the United States, bringing a pet along costs $50, cannot weigh more than 22 pounds (carrier included) and the carrier cannot have dimensions larger than 23cm by 40cm by 55cm. This is because the airline attendants must be able to comfortably move around the plane as well as the fellow passengers. For one way travel to anywhere else, bringing a pet along costs $100 with the same limitations. For certain destinations such as Hawaii, pets must be stored under the plane with the checked baggage. To be eligible for this, the passenger will need to register their pet within 24 hours of booking the flight with Air Canada Reservations. The pet must be at least 8 weeks old and fully weaned as well. Other implications involve having to arrive 30 minutes prior to the recommended check in time as well as always be bestowed under the passenger’s seat. These requirements are for the pet’s safety as younger pets are not full developed, are weaker and may be more susceptible to sickness. There cannot be more than one pet per passenger and unaccompanied minors cannot bring a pet with them. No pets are allowed in the Executive First Suite and the carrier will count as the person’s one standard carry-on item. The reason why no pets are allowed in the Executive First Class Suites is because the people in first class have paid good money for these seats and they should not have to deal with the noise or nuisance that another passenger’s pet may cause. Since there are many allergy sufferers, Air Canada advises that you advise the agent at the check-in gate prior to departure and they will try as hard as possible to move you or the pet owner. Air Canada makes it clear that they will not be responsible for the loss, sickness or death of any pet even if it was accepted for transportation. For safety reasons, many items have been deemed dangerous goods and must not be brought in the checked baggage as well as carry-on baggage. These dangerous goods include compressed gases, explosives, flammable liquids, poisons or briefcases with installed alarm devices. Firearms, alcohol and oxidizing materials are all examples of items not allowed on a plane for obvious reasons. The last thing Air Canada would want is an unfortunate situation where one of their passengers have been seriously hurt because they allowed a dangerous item on board that clearly should not have been allowed. Air Canada is subject to the rules of the Montreal Convention and Warsaw Convention. These are both conventions that regulate the liability for international carriage of persons, baggage or goods performed by an aircraft. These rules are here to protect the airline if an accident occurs and bodily harm or damage to goods result. Going back to the General Conditions of Carriage, Air Canada states that they are not liable for perishables or liquids, nor are they responsible for the loss of valuable items such as money, jewellery, computers, business documents and so on. Air Canada also states that they are not responsible for the bodily harm or even death of one of their customers. When travelling, Air Canada requires that passengers provide information about themselves before boarding a plane. It is the passenger’s responsibility to provide these travel documents as well as the documents of any children travelling with them. Additional documents may be needed depending on the person’s country of origin. The passport is the best accepted piece of documentation proving a person’s citizenship. Air Canada indicates that a customer must bring their passport as part of their proof of citizenship. For Canadian and American citizens, a valid passport is always needed. Some other countries require that your passport be valid for at least 6 months prior to flying to their country. This is so that there will be no complications once arriving in their country that can cause unnecessary and lengthy delays. Children must also have their own documentation and cannot get by with just their parents documentation. Some countries allow this but this is not the case in Canada. For children, birth certificates showing the names of both parents, legal documents referring to custody and parental consent (if child is travelling with only one or neither of their parents) are all documents that must be showed on behalf of the child. The reason for this is they do not want one of the parents to have the authority or opportunity to leave the country with their child if they’ve had a feud with the other parent. There have been stories of couples that have gotten divorced and one of the parents take the child and leave to an unknown destination. Air Canada does not want to have to take responsibility for something like that happening on their airlines. For Visas, different countries have different rules and Air Canada suggests that you check with your travel agents for visa requirements of the countries you are planning to drive through. Some general rules include obtaining your visa well in advance to your flight because this may involve mailing your passport in briefly as well as the chance that there may be a long delay if you apply for a visa from a third country while travelling. Upon arrival in a foreign country, it may be required that a passenger must prove that they have sufficient funds to support themselves for their intended stay. This can include showing proof of a visa for that country if that is a requirement. The reason for this is countries don’t want to accept people that are going to end up stranded in their country because they don’t have the money to leave. This can only lead to trouble which they understandably do no want to deal with. Only Canadian permanent residents from non visa-waiver countries travelling outside Canada are required to carry a valid Canadian permanent resident card in addition to a valid passport to return to Canada from a commercial flight. This card proves your immigration status. Without it, the person will be unable to board the plane. Though most people are fit to take a plane, Air Canada realizes that there are some customers that may have special needs and they will try their best to accommodate these people. This assistance can include special meals or assistance for minors travelling without their parents. Anyone that may need assistance about checking in and boarding the plane will get the help they need as well as routine check ups to make sure they are doing fine. If a customer has a disability such as having to use an electric wheelchair, needs medical oxygen or has a severe medical or mental disability, it is important that they give 48 hours notice before departure as well as check in 2 hours before departure. This will give Air Canada and its employees enough time to plan and prepare for the passengers arrival so that there will be no delays and so that they can make the person’s flight experience as enjoyable as possible. If Air Canada decides that the person is in such a bad state that they think flying would be detrimental to their health, I believe Air Canada will not allow them to fly with their airlines for the benefit of the customer, but also for the benefit of their fellow passengers as well as the flight staff that would have to deal with this problem. There is also a section of the General Conditions of Carriage that talks about tariff regulations. The Montreal Convention or the Warsaw Convention system may be applicable to your journey. This may limit the liability that Air Canada carries for death or bodily injury as well as loss or damage to baggage as well as delays. If the Montreal Convention and Warsaw Convention systems both do not apply, the liability limit for loss or damage to baggage is $1500 per person. Any actions that one brings up in court must happen within 2 years of the date of arrival of the flight you were on. There is one final section in the General Conditions of Carriage which is an â€Å"Overbooking Notice†. This indicates that flights may become overbooked and there is a small chance that a seat may not be available for a person that has a confirmed reservation. No one will be denied a seat until an employee asked if there is anyone willing to give up there seat for that flight. If there are not enough volunteers, passengers will be denied according to the airlines boarding priority list. Passengers denied clearance for the flight will be compensated. The full rules are available at all airport ticket counters and boarding locations. The problem with this rule is that the boarding priority list is they give priority to the passengers that paid more for their ticket. This can be viewed as social discrimination as generally speaking, people that have more money to spend on luxury items will be the ones buying the more expensive ticket. This problem will be looked at and analyzed later on in the article.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Using the Verb Grow in Example Sentences for ESL

Using the Verb Grow in Example Sentences for ESL New English learners are constantly growing their vocabulary and learning new irregular verb forms. This page provides example sentences of the verb grow in all tenses including active and passive forms, as well as conditional and modal forms. See how much your knowledge has grown with the quiz at the end. Examples of Grow for Every Tense Base Form grow / Past Simple grew / Past Participle grown / Gerund growing Present Simple Mary grows vegetables in her garden. Present Simple Passive Vegetables are grown in that garden. Present Continuous My daughter is growing up fast! Present Continuous Passive Lettuce is being grown in this area of the garden. Present Perfect She has grown all kinds of plants. Present Perfect Passive All kinds of plants have been grown in this garden. Present Perfect Continuous We have been growing those plants for two months. Past Simple They grew the best tomatoes last summer. Past Simple Passive The best tomatoes were grown by the Smith family. Past Continuous She was growing up quickly when they decided to send her to military school. Past Continuous Passive Many plants were being grown by the Smith family. Past Perfect They had grown up in Seattle before they moved to Portland. Past Perfect Passive The customer base had been grown by Peter before Jack took it over. Past Perfect Continuous She had been growing up in Seattle before she moved to Portland. Future (will) We will grow vegetables in our garden. Future (will) passive Vegetables will be grown in our garden. Future (going to) We are going to grow vegetables in that garden. Future (going to) passive Vegetables are going to be grown in that garden. Future Continuous This time next year she will be growing quickly. Future Perfect She will have grown up a lot by the end of this year. Future Possibility She might grow up if you challenge her. Real Conditional If she grows vegetables, she will give some to her neighbors. Unreal Conditional If she grew vegetables, she would give some to her neighbors. Past Unreal Conditional If she had grown vegetables, she would have given some to her neighbors. Present Modal We can grow vegetables in the garden. Past Modal They must have grown vegetables in that garden. Quiz: Conjugate With Grow Use the verb to grow to conjugate the following sentences. Quiz answers are below. In some cases, more than one answer may be correct. Vegetables _____ in that garden.The customer base _____ by Peter before Jack took it over.They _____ the best tomatoes last summer.Mary _____ vegetables in her garden.Lettuce _____ in this area of the garden this summer.We _____ vegetables in that garden. Thats the plan.If she _____ vegetables, she will give some to her neighbors.Vegetables _____ in that garden. At least, thats the plan.They _____ up in Seattle before they moved to Portland.She _____ all kinds of plants for the past six years. Quiz Answers are grownhad been growngrewgrowsis being grownare going to grow vegetablesgrowsare going to be grownhad grownhas grown

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Acupuncture

Executive Summary This is a marketing plan developed for Selma T. Jones and her new business, the Acupuncture Center, by â€Å"The Great Expectations† marketing group. We believe we have designed a marketing plan that will effectively promote the Acupuncture Center and, at the same time, stay below the marketing budget of $1,500 that we have been given by our client. By using brochures and business cards, the Greater Columbia Chamber of Commerce, and WIS TV’s CraigCam, we believe our marketing plan will be effective in bringing the Acupuncture Center the clientele it is looking for while making the business very profitable for our client. The Challenge â€Å"The Great Expectations† are faced with two challenges. Our first challenge is to find a way to market the Acupuncture Center and Selma Jones. Our second challenge is to find a way to educate the general public about acupuncture, how painless the procedure is and conditions that it can treat. We believe that if people are educated about how natural and painless acupuncture is it will help build clientele at the Acupuncture Center. At this time many people still believe that acupuncture is a form of voodoo or witchcraft. Clearing up the misconception about acupuncture, as well as marketing Jones and her business, is the goal of this marketing plan. Situation Analysis Company - Acupuncture Center Focus Acupuncture Center Selma T. Jones Strengths Jones is the only board certified woman acupuncturist in South Carolina. Many people know Jones from her previous profession as a successful prosecutor for Richland County. Jones is open-minded and well educated in the field of acupuncture. The office is in an excellent marketing location. Weaknesses New Business Owner. Limited Clientele. No Marketing Plan. Limited Business Knowledge. Market Share We believe ... Free Essays on Acupuncture Free Essays on Acupuncture Executive Summary This is a marketing plan developed for Selma T. Jones and her new business, the Acupuncture Center, by â€Å"The Great Expectations† marketing group. We believe we have designed a marketing plan that will effectively promote the Acupuncture Center and, at the same time, stay below the marketing budget of $1,500 that we have been given by our client. By using brochures and business cards, the Greater Columbia Chamber of Commerce, and WIS TV’s CraigCam, we believe our marketing plan will be effective in bringing the Acupuncture Center the clientele it is looking for while making the business very profitable for our client. The Challenge â€Å"The Great Expectations† are faced with two challenges. Our first challenge is to find a way to market the Acupuncture Center and Selma Jones. Our second challenge is to find a way to educate the general public about acupuncture, how painless the procedure is and conditions that it can treat. We believe that if people are educated about how natural and painless acupuncture is it will help build clientele at the Acupuncture Center. At this time many people still believe that acupuncture is a form of voodoo or witchcraft. Clearing up the misconception about acupuncture, as well as marketing Jones and her business, is the goal of this marketing plan. Situation Analysis Company - Acupuncture Center Focus Acupuncture Center Selma T. Jones Strengths Jones is the only board certified woman acupuncturist in South Carolina. Many people know Jones from her previous profession as a successful prosecutor for Richland County. Jones is open-minded and well educated in the field of acupuncture. The office is in an excellent marketing location. Weaknesses New Business Owner. Limited Clientele. No Marketing Plan. Limited Business Knowledge. Market Share We believe ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Old Smyrna - The Possible Home of Homer in Anatolia

Old Smyrna - The Possible Home of Homer in Anatolia Old Smyrna, also known as Old Smyrna Hà ¶yà ¼k, is one of several archaeological sites within the modern day limits of Izmir in Western Anatolia, in what is today Turkey, each reflecting early versions of the modern day port city. Prior to its excavation, Old Smyrna was a large tell rising approximately 21 meters (70 feet) above sea level. It was originally located on a peninsula jutting into the Gulf of Smyrna, although natural delta buildup and changing sea levels have moved the location inland about 450 m (about 1/4 mile). Old Smyrna lies in a geologically active region at the foot of Yamanlar Dagi, a now-extinct volcano; and Izmir/Smyrna has been subjected to numerous earthquakes during its long occupation. Benefits, however, include the ancient baths called the Agamemnon hot springs, found near the southern coast of Izmir Bay, and a ready source of building material for architecture. Volcanic rocks (andesites, basalts, and tuffs) were used to build many of the public and private structures within the town, alongside adobe mudbrick and a small amount of limestone. The earliest occupation at Old Smyrna was during the 3rd millennium BC, contemporaneous with Troy, but the site was small and there is limited archaeological evidence for this occupation. Old Smyrna was occupied fairly continuously from about 1000-330 BC. During its heyday in the mid 4th century BC, the city contained about 20 hectares (50 acres) within its city walls. Chronology Hellenistic period, ~330 BCVillage period, ~550 BCLydian Capture, ~600 BC, after which Smyrna was abandonedGeometric, strong Ionic influence by 8th century, new city wallProtogeometric, beginning ~1000 BC. Aeolic wares, probably a small anchorage of some kindPrehistoric, 3rd millennium BC, first habitation, prehistoric According to Herodotus among other historians, the initial Greek settlement at Old Smyrna was Aeolic, and within the first couple of centuries, it fell into the hands of Ionian refugees from Colophon. Changes in pottery from monochrome Aeolic wares to polychrome painted Ionic wares are in evidence at Old Smyrna by the early 9th century  and clear domination of the style by the beginning of the 8th century. Ionic Smyrna By the 9th century BC, Smyrna was under Ionic control, and its settlement was quite dense, consisting mainly of curvilinear houses packed tightly together. The fortifications were remodeled during the second half of the eighth century and the city wall extended to protect the entire south side. Luxury goods from across the Aegean became widely available, including export wine jars from Chios and Lesbos, and balloon amphorae containing Attic oils. Archaeological evidence suggests Smyrna was affected by an earthquake about 700 BC, which damaged both houses and the city wall. Afterward, curvilinear houses became a minority, and most architecture was rectangular and planned on a north-south axis. A sanctuary was constructed at the north end of the hill, and settlement spread outside the city walls up into the neighboring coast. At the same time, evidence for an improvement in architecture with volcanic block masonry, the apparently widespread use of writing, and remodeling of public buildings suggest new prosperity. An estimated 450 residential structures were located within the city walls  and another 250 outside the walls. Homer and Smyrna According to an ancient epigram Many Greek cities argue for Homers wise root, Smyrna, Chios, Colophon, Ithaca, Pylos, Argos, Athens. The most important poet of ancient Greek and Roman writers was Homer, the archaic period bard and author of the Iliad and the Odyssey; born somewhere between the 8th and 9th centuries BC, if he lived here, it would have been during the Ionian period. There is no absolute evidence for his birth location, and Homer may or may not have been born in Ionia. It seems fairly likely that he lived at Old Smyrna, or someplace in Ionia such as Colophon or Chios, based on several textual mentions of the River Meles and other local landmarks. Lydian Capture and the Village Period About 600 BC, based on historical documentation and a predominance of Corinthian pottery amongst the ruins, the prosperous city was attacked and captured by Lydian forces, led by the king Alyattes [died 560 BC]. Archaeological evidence associated with this historic event is shown by the presence of 125 bronze arrowheads and numerous spearheads embedded in demolished housewalls destroyed in the late 7th century. A cache of iron weapons was identified in the Temple Pylon. Smyrna was abandoned for some decades, and reoccupation seems to come about the middle of the sixth century BC. By the fourth century BC, the town was a flourishing port city again, and it was refounded and moved across the bay to New Smyrna by the Greek generals Antigonus and Lysimachus. Archaeology at Old Smyrna Test excavations at Smyrna were conducted in 1930 by Austrian archaeologists Franz and H. Miltner. Anglo-Turkish investigations between 1948 and 1951 by Ankara University and the British School at Athens were led by Ekrem Akurgal and J. M. Cook. Most recently, remote sensing techniques have been applied to the site, to produce a topographic map and record of the ancient site. Sources Flickrite Kayt Armstrong (girlwithatrowel) has amassed a collection of photos of Old Smyrna.Berge MA, and Drahor MG. 2011. Electrical Resistivity Tomography Investigations of Multilayered Archaeological Settlements: Part II – A Case from Old Smyrna Hà ¶yà ¼k, Turkey. Archaeological Prospection 18(4):291-302.Cook JM. 1958/1959. Old Smyrna, 1948-1951. The Annual of the British School at Athens 53/54:1-34.Cook JM, Nicholls RV, and Pyle DM. 1998. Old Smyrna Excavations: The Temples of Athena. London: The British School at Athens.Drahor MG. 2011. A review of integrated geophysical investigations from archaeological and cultural sites under encroaching urbanisation in Izmir, Turkey. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C 36(16):1294-1309.Nicholls RV. 1958/1959. Old Smyrna: The Iron Age Fortifications and Associated Remains on the City Perimeter. The Annual of the British School at Athens  53/54:35-137.Nicholls RV. 1958/1959. Site-Plan of Old Smyrna. The Annual of the Br itish School at Athens 53/54. Sahoglu V. 2005. The Anatolian trade network and the Izmir Region during the Early Bronze Age. Oxford Journal of Archaeology 24(4):339-361.Tziropoulou-Efstathiou A. 2009. Homer and the So-Called Homeric Questions: Science and Technology in Homeric Epics. In: Paipetis SA, editor. Science and Technology in Homeric Epics: Springer Netherlands. p 451-467.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

GGP of Russia for the past year Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

GGP of Russia for the past year - Essay Example This is especially the case in Russia. When GDP shrinks, that means a country’s economy is in serious trouble and a recession is looming. As the world continues to freefall in the current economic crisis, many country’s GDPs are shrinking. Russia, which for many years had been riding the recent increase in energy prices, has an economy and GDP which have been growing substantially over the last few years; however, this may not continue because of the way energy prices have seriously tumbled. The Gross Domestic Product of Russia is $1.29 trillion. This is one of the largest GDPs in the world, definitely in the top fifteen of all countries. It grew 5.8 per cent in 2008 which was one of the lowest rates of growth in several years and was largely due to the decrease in the price of oil and other resource of which Russia has a lot. Now the IMF has been predicting that the Russian economy will contract 0.7% in 2009 which is very bad for Russians who are hoping to see their country continue to grow and become more powerful.1 Part of the problem is that the Russian economy is not very diversified. Unlike more developed economies that have a good mix between resources, manufacturing, and services—Russia mostly exports gas and minerals and not much else. That means the economy is very dependent on international prices which it has little control over. A Russia continues to develop hopefully its economy will become more

James bond Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

James bond - Essay Example In Fleming’s novels, Bond is born in London but he is active all around the globe with his Secret Service Mission and a code number 007. He is made up of many characteristics and is based on various commandos whom Fleming was acquainted with during World War II in the service for National Intelligence Division. Fleming added salt to pepper by creating his own style and tastes to suit the character of James Bond. An American ornithologist was the inspiration for James Bond’s name. His character has varied tastes that are prevalent in all of the books such as his love of drink and food, enjoyment of cars and charisma, and also an approximate intake of 60 custom designed cigarettes per day (Cork, 100-120). There have been many writers following the legacy of Ian Fleming in writing James Bond novels. Some of these are John Gardner who wrote two novelizations and fourteen novels, and Raymond Benson who wrote three short stories, three novelizations and six novels. Other auth ors also wrote James Bond stories included Kingsley Amis, Jaffrey Deaver, and Sebastian Faulks. Furthermore, many novels were based on Bond’s adolescence such as Young Bond which was a work of Charlie Higson (Cork, 125-135). The very first Ian Fleming novel was adapted by the television arena which was called Casino Royale, in which James Bond was an American agent. Daily Express also posted a comic strip series following this book. Twenty five James Bond films have been telecasted and seven actors have scrupulously played their roles in these films (Cork, 125-135). A description of James Bond by Ian Fleming presents him as a person with a weight of 76 kilograms, 183 cm height, an elegant build and posture with blue sparkly eyes and thick black hair. He has a scar beneath his right cheek and one on his left shoulder. There are evident signs of plastic surgery on the back of his right hand. He is an all rounder athlete who can play every game, an expert in pistol shot, a conno isseur boxer, a skilled knife thrower, and does not make use of disguises as were the norm of that time. Besides English, James Bond can speak German and French and is a heavy smoker who uses three gold brands. Women are his compassion and he drinks a lot but is reluctant towards bribes (Cork, 150-170). Raymond Benson’s James Bond was born in Zurich in the beginning of 1920s whose parents were Andrew Bond and Monique Delacroix, from Canton de Vaud in Switzerland. This family separated their time between a huge house outside Basel which allowed James to get fluent in German and French and an apartment in Chelsea. Sadly, both James Bond’s parents expired in climbing catastrophe on a holiday in France when he was eleven years of age (Cork, 160-170). After the demise of Bond’s mother and father, he was kept under the custody of aunt Charmian and subsequently he went to live in Kent with her. On passing the Common Entrance Exam for Eton College, he was admitted into the school. But after two school halves were completed, he was made distant from the school because he came in a supposed incident with a Boys’ Maid. Following this incident his aunt Charmian sent him back to his old school called Fettes College. The Young Bond series talk about his childhood exclusively (Cork, 170-180). Bond became a devoted golfer at the age of fifteen, a hobby which is also Ian Fleming’s hobby. Considering his hobby, he was often found at Royal St Marks Golf

Friday, October 18, 2019

Response Journal 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Response Journal 3 - Essay Example However, an attempt to minimize the greenhouse effect may lead to new problems that will appear in the nearest future. For example, according to the information presented by the French bank Credit Agricole, the consumption of cement will increase in half. The invention of carbon negative cement is an ethical situation as it does not stick to major principles of engineering ethics. It is known that every engineer must do everything to contribute to the health, welfare and safety of the society he/she lives in. Another important principle is to act only in the sphere of competence. Engineers have no right to suggest inventions in any other sphere. That is why it is possible to criticize the above-mentioned invention as it has not been done together with ecologists, who seem to be the first group to handle the problem with greenhouse effect. The growing demand of cement will not contribute to people’s welfare. It is necessary to inform the public about the advantages and disadvan tages of cement utilization to act according to the principles of ethic engineering. The next step will be to cooperate with ecologists and inform the public in case of any other innovations in the field. Works Cited Alok Jha. Guardian News and Media Limited, Feb. 2008. Web. 31 Dec. 2010

Is there a trade-off between innovation and regulating quality in Essay

Is there a trade-off between innovation and regulating quality in higher education If so, what is the appropriate way to balan - Essay Example During this educational program, students are capable to explore their own selected area and effectively focus on four thematic areas such as policy, change, leadership and community diversity (The Trustees of Boston College, 2012). The department of ‘Educational Leadership and Higher Education’ provides Master’s as well as Doctoral programs for the applying students. The core objective of this department is to provide education to the students for leadership position. Moreover, this department also provides graduate level professional as well as certification programs. In this regard, the professional program provides education to the individuals regarding administrative position at the college as well as university level. While on the other hand, certification program in educational leadership provides education to the students regarding the managerial position (Saint Louis University, 2012). ‘Trade-Off’ is considered as a situation that implies for egoing on quality of something in return of gaining another quality. The basis objective of this paper is to demine the trade-off between innovation and regulating quality in higher education. Trade-Off between Innovation and Regulating Quality in Higher Education The term ‘innovation’ is considered as an initiation related to new ideas, thoughts, devices or methods. In the present context, higher education facilities are continuously evolving across the globe. In terms of innovation regarding educational curriculum activities are concerned, an instance can be witnessed of Western Governors University at the United Kingdom which considerably is focusing on bring about certain innovation in their educational system. Contextually, innovation regarding curriculum activities and development program assists this university to meet the educational standards at higher level. They expected that by initiation of innovation, they would facilitate effective educational facilities and also attract a wide number of students (Trane, 2012). At present, a majority of post graduate educational institutions and higher educational level universities are bringing about a lot of innovative changes regarding educational system. By taking into consideration regarding the Australian higher education system, certain arguments were presented by the Bradley Review of Higher Education in the year 2008. This educational standard reviewing authority demonstrated certain obvious changes about the existing educational systems such as setting of easy access regarding online education, certain regulatory aspects of educational procedures along with enhancing the quality of academic lectures. Since the year 1970, Australian government has encouraged several universities to critically evaluate their educational performance. In the year 1980, this evaluation was considerably accepted in order to improve the efficiency as well as effectiveness of educational program. In the last few d ecades, there has been a considerable turmoil regarding bringing in innovative changes in the education system which was quite difficult to carry out for the various universities (Varis, 2007). A number of colleges and universities in recent times are facing a diverse set of challenges in terms of ensuring quality of higher education along with incorporating sustained regulation. These challenges relate in

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Issues in Multicultural Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Issues in Multicultural Education - Essay Example For instance, cultural diversity in the US public schools is growing at rapid pace in the present decade. As a result, the teachers are facing intense problem to deliver education facilities to a culturally diverse classroom. A common problem identified by teachers in this context is the successful understanding of the needs of the each diverse student and providing education assistance effectively. As argued by Fullan (1991), the teachers should be capable of understanding the uniqueness of each student and successfully control the diversities to improve the students both academically as well as behaviorally within a diverse classroom. (2) Who is involved? (A) As part of the problem? The problem of cultural diversity in the classroom is especially faced by students and teachers, which result in poor performance of the learners in their curriculum. Generally teachers and students face significant problems to convey the intended information to each other, which in turn causes significant miscommunication problems. Additionally, differences between the cultural backgrounds of the students and the teachers, also raises the proper identification of students’ values (Worrell, n.d.). ... (3) What is the proposed solution? Identifying the Key Student Differences Each student in the classroom is unique in relation to their behavioral traits, learning capabilities and styles, feelings as well as responsiveness. These distinctive parameters for any specified child becomes more apparent in a diverse environment. Therefore, teachers should be capable to meet successfully with the ‘point of need’ of every child to provide efficient guidance as per their requirements (Worrell, n.d.). In this regard, lessening the teacher and student ratio within a classroom setting shall provide with greater opportunity to teachers in monitoring the needs of every student distinctively and more critically. Improve Co-Relation with the Students’ Families For the better understanding of the students’ societal and cultural background, the school authorities should increase communication with the students’ parents or legal guardians. This method undoubtedly woul d support the teachers to understand the background of the student and modify the teaching process accordingly (Worrell, n.d.). Introduce School-Wide â€Å"Cultural† Alliance Effective communication among the students of several cultures along with successful collaboration through cultural programs and activities shall assist teachers to meet the requirements of the both ends (London, Gurantz & Norman, 2011). Culturally Responsive Teaching Method To enhance cultural responsiveness throughout the teaching method, teachers should be research oriented for better understanding of the capabilities of each student. Teachers should be capable to identify the deficiencies and also the

Assignment 5 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

5 - Assignment Example stomers with purchasing convenience and seamless access to the company’s portfolio is the main evidence of customer intimacy and support that FedEx offers to its customers. In addition, each of the FedEx\u2019s business segments has independent operations and strategies that enhance anticipation and customer support. In addition, FedEx has a supportive website ( that demonstrates its product leadership. 2. What are FedEx’s four main business segments? Provide two examples of traceable fixed costs for each of FedEx’s four business segments. Provide two examples of common costs that are not traceable to the four business segments. FedEx Express, FedEx Ground, FedEx Freight and FedEx Kinko\u2019s are the main business segments of the company (FedEx Form 10-K 2005, p. 3). On the other hand, the cost of maintaining the Memphis international airport facility and purchase of 557 airliners are examples of traceable cost for FedEx Express. Traceable costs for FedEx Ground includes cost of maintaining information and data centers located in Pittsburgh (FedEx Form 10-K 2005, p. 25) in addition the business segment caters for Daniel Sullivan’s (CEO) salary. Finally, traceable costs for FedEx Freight’s include cost of owning and maintaining 39,500 vehicles and trailers and their customs-critical headquarters at Ohio. A common example of not traceable to the four business segments would be PGA golf tournaments sponsored by the company. 6. Assume that the senior managers of FedEx Express and FedEx Ground each have an investment opportunity that would require $20 million of additional operating assets and that would increase operating income by $4 million. If FedEx evaluates all of its senior managers using ROI, would the managers of both segments pursue the investment opportunity? If FedEx evaluates all of its senior managers using residual income, would the managers of both segments pursue the investment opportunity? 4,000,000) = 1. From the previous

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Issues in Multicultural Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Issues in Multicultural Education - Essay Example For instance, cultural diversity in the US public schools is growing at rapid pace in the present decade. As a result, the teachers are facing intense problem to deliver education facilities to a culturally diverse classroom. A common problem identified by teachers in this context is the successful understanding of the needs of the each diverse student and providing education assistance effectively. As argued by Fullan (1991), the teachers should be capable of understanding the uniqueness of each student and successfully control the diversities to improve the students both academically as well as behaviorally within a diverse classroom. (2) Who is involved? (A) As part of the problem? The problem of cultural diversity in the classroom is especially faced by students and teachers, which result in poor performance of the learners in their curriculum. Generally teachers and students face significant problems to convey the intended information to each other, which in turn causes significant miscommunication problems. Additionally, differences between the cultural backgrounds of the students and the teachers, also raises the proper identification of students’ values (Worrell, n.d.). ... (3) What is the proposed solution? Identifying the Key Student Differences Each student in the classroom is unique in relation to their behavioral traits, learning capabilities and styles, feelings as well as responsiveness. These distinctive parameters for any specified child becomes more apparent in a diverse environment. Therefore, teachers should be capable to meet successfully with the ‘point of need’ of every child to provide efficient guidance as per their requirements (Worrell, n.d.). In this regard, lessening the teacher and student ratio within a classroom setting shall provide with greater opportunity to teachers in monitoring the needs of every student distinctively and more critically. Improve Co-Relation with the Students’ Families For the better understanding of the students’ societal and cultural background, the school authorities should increase communication with the students’ parents or legal guardians. This method undoubtedly woul d support the teachers to understand the background of the student and modify the teaching process accordingly (Worrell, n.d.). Introduce School-Wide â€Å"Cultural† Alliance Effective communication among the students of several cultures along with successful collaboration through cultural programs and activities shall assist teachers to meet the requirements of the both ends (London, Gurantz & Norman, 2011). Culturally Responsive Teaching Method To enhance cultural responsiveness throughout the teaching method, teachers should be research oriented for better understanding of the capabilities of each student. Teachers should be capable to identify the deficiencies and also the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Strategic Marketing Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Strategic Marketing - Research Paper Example Before getting into the issue of knowing whether marketing is a constraint on innovation, we should first get to know and evaluate the basic purpose of strategic marketing. So starting with strategic marketing, it is that sort of marketing which the organizations and companies use in order to create such plans for the company which should not only be able to satisfy the customers’ needs and demands but also increase the productivity and profitability of the company. Now here it should be noted that productivity depends on the satisfaction and retention of customers of the company. When the customers will be satisfied from the products of the company, they will work as a source to attract more customers for the company and as a result, the productivity and the profitability of the company will increase. As we know that when we get a customer, we get one customer, but when we loose that customer, we loose a hundred customers. So, such a marketing plan should be implemented which should not only retain old customers but also should be able to attract more customers. All these methods have a significant importance in marketing of a company’s strategic plans. And they have really proved to be successful for various organizations for the purposes of customer retention and increased productivity and profitability. Tybout and Calkins (2005) found that every organization should typically create and develop a well written strategic marketing plan which should be able to promote the innovative products of any organization. Not only that, it should also be able to relate the implementation strategies regarding those plans. Scott (2007) found that innovation helps an organization in achieving dominance in a competitive market and suitable marketing strategy is always a key towards a successful innovation. Shilbury, et al., (2003) found

Monday, October 14, 2019

Evolution vs Creationism Essay Example for Free

Evolution vs Creationism Essay Many people have their different opinions on how the world came to be. In some cases, people think that the world came to existence from what we call The Big Bang Theory, and others think it was The Almighty God that created the world. I will begin to explain what each is, the origin they came from and their evidence to support their own explanation of how the world was created. What is evolution? Well, evolution can be a difficult concept for people to come to terms with, especially if they do not have much experience with life sciences. Unfortunately, there are too many examples of people who do not understand any of it with many of these people tries to criticize evolution while promoting creationism. Evolution is not a minor matter; it is, in fact, the cornerstone of all modern biology. What is creationism? Like evolution, creationism can have more than one meaning. At its most basic, creationism is the belief that the universe was created by The Almighty God. In some cases, it even is stated that creationism is someone who believes in a god who is absolute creator of heaven and earth, out of nothing, by an act of free will. Many might say that the origins of the evolution came to terms that the universe, with all it contains (space, time, matter and energy) exploded from nothing which is considered The Big Bang, and is the accepted theory among the majority of evolutionists. Evolution is a very unique â€Å"science.† Unlike the origin of creationism, were people believe that it came from The Almighty God. This generally means the taking of the Bible, particularly the early chapters of Genesis, as literally true guides to the history of the universe and to the history of life, including us humans, down here on earth. In a way, creationism is more of a restricted sense of a variety of beliefs that people have in this century and previous ones as well. The evidence that support these findings is very different in many aspects. People say that with evolution, the evidence is very visible. For example, there is biochemical evidence, genetic evidence, and also fossil evidence for how evolution came about. But in creationism, there isn’t any evidence to support it whatsoever. Understanding evolution over creationism is greatly aided by a better understanding of what kinds of evidence exist out there as well as how and why all the evidence clearly supports evolutionary theory but not creationist religion.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Benjamin Franklin: An Inspirational Self-Made Man Essay -- American Hi

Benjamin Franklin is one of the most influential and famous figures of all time. Ben Franklin if often referred to as the "self-made man," and his philosophies and principles in the Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, edited by Louis P. Masur, has served as a self-help book for millions around the world. Franklin's Autobiography is a prime example of the American dream, a rag to riches story that has inspired many people to think of themselves and the community in a different light. Franklin's moral and social philosophies are packed deeply into his Autobiography. Franklin believed that improving ones self was the key to success. Self-improvement, self-education, and self-discipline are the main factors of a self-made man. Improving yourself will ultimately improve the society as a whole. Franklin speaks of principality and inclination. His idea was to produce the principle man with the awareness of man's natural inclination. Throughout the text Franklin provides examples from his own life that contradicts his moral and social philosophies. These contradictions are mostly caused by natural inclinations. Franklin uses these contradictions to educate people to be aware of their natural inclinations and to try and overcome them. Franklin's realizes that improving oneself is a road with many imperfections. Not even the "self-made man" was completely perfect. A general theme in Franklin's writings is the differences between the private and public self and how the two interact. Parts One and Two of his Autobiography were written at different times and intended for different audiences. In Part One Franklin is speaking to his Son, (who was then the Governor of New Jersey) a public figure. It was started in 1771. Part Two was begun... He says, ."..their Aim seeming to be rather to make us Presbyterian than good Citizens." (Pg. 94) Franklin felt as though individual study should be emphasized over dogma. Benjamin Franklin's moral and social philosophies inspired and continue to inspire millions around the globe. Becoming a "self-made man" is a long and arduous task. Improve yourself, which will in return improve the society. Contradiction is inevitable when trying to follow strict ideals. Franklin's purpose was to make people aware of their inclinations and to help them overcome the natural tendencies of man, which would limit our dependence on other people. Benjamin Franklin is an inspiration to us all. Works Cited Franklin, Benjamin, and Louis Masur, and Theda Perdue, and Frederick Douglass, and David Blight. Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin 2e. Bedford/St. Martin's, 2007.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Essay --

Teenage pregnancy is defined as a teenage girl, usually within the ages of 13-19, becoming pregnant. The term in everyday speech usually refers to girls who have not reached legal adulthood, which varies across the world, who become pregnant. (UNICEF July 2008). â€Å"We all know that teenage pregnancy is a blur on the vision of Antigua & Barbuda because it impedes the progression and the development of our people.† (Athill youth Director).When a young girl becomes pregnant it mars her chances of success. It is a multifaceted problem and there is no one reason why a teen may become pregnant, we know that there are cultural influences and home support for inappropriate behaviour,† the youth director added. The non-completion of school by many young people is a serious concern for our educational and economic system. By leaving school before graduation, many dropouts have considerable educational deficiencies that limit their financial and social well-being throughout their adult lives. In more than two decades ago, there has been an increasing number of teenage pregnancies globally, refle...

Friday, October 11, 2019

Computer Program and Level Exam Essay

Introduction: Goal of the report Goal of the project Preview of methods and results Methods: Steps you took or actions you did Results: Tell what you discovered in a table or a graph Discussion: Significance of what you found out Recommendations Goals achieved or not Questions raised SESSION ABOUT NAVIGATING THE INTERNET IMRD REPORT The goal of this IMRD report is to describe what I have learned in the session about using the Preimavera program. The goal of this project was to learn how to plan a project from its beginning to the end using a computer program. This report will inform the reader of the methods used, results reached and goals achieved. Methods: Level exam The level exam is basically an exam to know how good your computer skills like sending data through the internet. It’s a simple exam but it is necessary. Theoretical method The first three sessions are mainly theoretical sessions. Where you learn how to plan a project manually without the computer program by using node diagrams and other planning methods Practical method The rest of the sessions are practical sessions where the teacher explains how to operate the program and gives you a small project to plan and helps you master it. Final test The last step is the test you take where you plan a whole project and according to the result you get a certificate that you have mastered the preimavera. Results: Results| Methods| I knew that I was qualified for this course| Level exam| I learned how to plan a project without a computer program| Theoretical method| I learned how to operate the program| Practical method| To get a certificate that I mastered the preimavera| Final test| Discussion: The results above show that I have met my goal for learning how to work on Preimavera program, and I found out that anyone could learn how to use this program, and I still have to learn other planning programs like CANDY. I recommend ZODIAC center for learning computer programs.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Diversity and Globalization Essay

Women in motion: globalization, state policies and labor migration in Asia is one of the major works by Nana Oishi. As a writer, Nana provides an analysis about labor migration in Asia with a close look at the patterns of female migration from various countries. Certain provisions are made that governs both receiving and sending countries in matters of female migration. Nana is critical in various theories that are conventional in economic theories of migration. A major area she is interested in is the driving factors reflecting in the source country. She is also very much concerned with structuralist theories relating to patterns of labor migration. Nana criticizes household strategies adopted by international migration as it has failed to consider household members as reliable individuals in a position to make independent decisions. The number of female immigrants has increased in the past owing to factors such as poverty, looking for good jobs, globalization effect and family problems (Oishi, 28). Female migration has a number of negative effects which include increased levels of sexual abuse, dislocation in family ties which has a social implication and increased vulnerabilities as a result of low incomes of the unskilled. The receiving country has the right to protect individual’s rights of female migration to avoid violation of human fundamental rights. A number of policies need to be considered but two major outstanding policies are enforcement of dual citizenship laws and dissemination of information with a view of incorporating female migrants in programs and institutional structures. Leaders in the receiving country should establish laws that protect the rights of non-citizens such as female migrants. The existence of such migrants perhaps is an aspect of blessing to the receiving country through various developments. Existence of dual-citizenship laws protects such individuals from discrimination, violence and other forms of human abuse. Once a female migrates to another country, she should acquire citizenship rights of that particular country. The migrant acquires equal rights like any other citizen and thus she is protected from vices such as slavery, sexual abuse or forced labor (Oishi, 60). The receiving countries are supposed to observe friendly legal systems that promote female migrants dignity. Another major consideration as a protective policy that should be adopted by the receiving country is provision of programs that absorbs female migrants in institutional structures. The reasons that results to female migration such as academic advancement, seeking for good jobs and poverty can be resolved through such programs. It is important for the receiving country to clearly understand such reasons for purpose of protecting their dignity. Considering the humanitarian aspect of life, leaders in receiving countries should incorporate female migrants in programs that promote their rights. Enrolling female migrants into institutions allows them to acquire skills and hence be in a position to seek employment. With skills the female migrants can support their own needs without bothering other individuals which is a reason for discrimination. The educational programs also help female migrants to know their rights and feel protected. The McDonaldization of sushi The eating patterns of individuals in the entire world have changed and this is attributed to globalization in the aspect of culture. Food culture is one of the major debates in developed and developing nations which have significance influence on globalization. This is clearly reflected in the argument by Sasha Isenberg in â€Å"The Sushi Economy†. It is an article that clearly reflects on globalized food culture and commerce. In many parts of the world, Macdonald foods have dominated the food sector. MacDonaldization which is a term derived from MacDonald’s has influenced the eating habits of many individuals (Issenberg, 17). This thus is a clear reflection about the influence of globalization in various economic sectors. The spread of various MacDonald fast food restaurants in the world has an impact in the way the global economy is being implemented. The global economy in this aspect relates to diversification of certain aspects of economic fields which promotes establishment of common way of life. In Japan, there are many fast foods stop over that provides both civilians and visitors the capacity to taste their food culture. Development in various economic sectors and establishment of similar practices in the entire economy results to a common way of people’s life. Food culture is one of the most recognized impacts of globalization which is promoted by modernization. The global economy which is influenced by interaction of people from various regions of the world is highly reflected in food culture. MacDonaldization by Sushi thus talks more about global economy which has an impact in many lives of individuals. One major impact of global economy is influence on individual’s life which changes the eating habits. In this aspect, McDonaldization of Sushi reflects clearly on the impact of global economy in eating habits of people. Any person from developed countries traveling in developing nations is in a position to receive equivalent services in the scope of fast foods. This is seen as a major achievement for both state and promotes the growth of global economy. The growth of economy as a result of globalization and food culture has seen various developments in other food items. A more corresponding aspect is in fish as a food stuff which is reaching the same status as MacDonald. Fish as a food stuff is high recognized by nutritionists as a source of proteins that is essential for body building. Another common aspect of fish is its easiness to prepare and serve to customers (Issenberg, 25). In both developed and developing states, the availability of fish makes it to dominate the global markets. Considering these provisions, it becomes very easy for fish to resemble Sushi success. Developing states are seen as the cheap source of quality fish such as Africa and as an influence of globalization in the aspect of transportation it becomes easy to supply the commodity in global markets. The global economy is promoted through consideration of such policies making it easy for economy to grow fast. Diversification of food culture and change in lifestyle resulting from economic development makes individuals to change their eating habits. This promotes a common practice by investors in the hospitality sector. Sushi success as well as establishment of fish as a common food stuff promotes global economy. Globalization and flow of information from different perspectives makes it possible to trade fast foods such as fish through the supermarkets and other retail outlets. Since it is served as take away, travelers and children usually enjoy the food stuffs. Globalization in this aspect has led to establishment of certain policies necessary to transform global economy from one state to another. Works Cited Issenberg, Sasha, The Sushi Economy: Globalization and the Making of a Modern Delicacy, Gotham, 2007 Oishi, Nana, Women in Motion: Globalization, State Policies, and Labor Migration in Asia, Stanford University Press, 2005

Pacificus & Helvidius Debates Essay

This was written on Notepad then converted into a Word Document. The purpose of this document is to be supplemental to reading the Pacificus & Helvidius Debates, this was written side by side while reading the debates, therefore, if this is the first time you are reading the Pacificus and Helvidius Debates these notes will provide more of a curse then a blessing. Pacificus I: The objections which people are raising against the proclamation of neutrality have been done in bitterness and in critical language, which to me demonstrates that their views were concern with matters that exceed the free discussion of an important public measure. They discuss weakening the confidence of the people in the President†¦ My reflection describes the motives connected with the proclamation which will be used to recommend endeavors by proper explanation of the subject at hand. These explanations at least should be satisfactory to those people who may not have the opportunity for investigating the subject themselves and those people who want to perceive that proclamation is not inconsistent with the constitution. The objections to the proclamation are: The proclamation had no authority. It is contrary to our treaties with France. It is contrary to the gratitude owed to France for helping the U.S. secure victory in the Revolution. That is was out of time and unnecessary. The proclamation was designed to make it known to the belligerents of Europe and the citizens of the U.S. that the U.S. is at Peace with all those at war and that under no treaty to become associated in that war. It also warns all those with the government’s jurisdiction to abstain from acts that contravene the proclamation. This proclamation does not declare that the U.S. will not abide to the conditions of treaties of the belligerents, because they can be up held without committing the U.S. into war. This does not mean the U.S. will not make distinctions about the present war powers as illustrated in articles 17 and 22 of the Treaty of Alliance, because in doing so does not render the U.S. to associate in the war. Even the furnishing of determinate succors with ships or troops to a Power at War due to treaties that have no reference to the war is still consistent with neutrality. However, no favors should be done to either side. The proclamation does exclude engagement in the 11th article of Treaty of Alliance, because the 11th article does not apply to the U.S. in this case. Now let’s discuss whether or not the President acted within his proper sphere or is out of bounds in his actions. First, it is not to be disputed that the management of foreign affair is confided to the U.S. government. Second, it could little be disputed that it beyond the right of the government to issue a proclamation of neutrality. The ability to make such proclamations is important to counties whose interest lies in the preservation of peace. The real question at hand is what department of government is the proper one to make a declaration of neutrality when it is proper. Someone of a correct understands must see that is do not pertain to either the legislative or judicial branches of government. The legislative branch is not the organ of foreign relations. Therefore, it is not the organ of government which is to pronounce the condition of the nation in regards to foreign powers. It is even more obvious that the Judiciary branch does not possess this power. This department decides on litigation in cases, it does interpret treaties, however, only in cases. It does not pronounce the external political relations of treaties between governments. Therefore the power belongs to the executive, when proper. In cases in which the judiciary is not competent, that is in cases between governments. This power is charged with the execution of the laws, of which treaties form a part. This condition is so obvious and consistent with general theory and is undoubtedly just, unless doubt can be deduced from the Constitution. In the following I will see if that doubt is to be found in the constitution. Article 1 state that â€Å"the executive power shall be vested in a President of the U.S.† It also continues and states that the President is the commander in chief of the army and navy of the U.S. and the Militias of the states when called into the service of the U.S., as well as, that the President has the power by and with the advice of the senate to make treaties and that it is his duty to receive ambassadors and ministers to take care that the laws be faithfully executed. It is not consistent with the rules of â€Å"sound construction† to consider the Constitution’s enumeration of the President’s particular authorities is degrading from the more comprehensive grant given to him in the general clause than what has been restricted to him. Due to the difficulty of making a complete and perfect specification of all of the Executive’s authority. There is broad construction of the president’s power in the Constitution. The differences are in the expression, for example â€Å"All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in the Congress of the U.S.† however the difference is â€Å"The Executive Power shall be vested in a President of the U.S.† The Executive Power leaves the rest to flow from the general grant of that power. The doctrine of the constitution in context of the Executive Power is that the Executive Power is only restricted in the qualifications which are expressed in it. But is free elsewhere. The issuing of a proclamation of neutrality is merely an Executive Act. The is no condition in the constitution which inhibits him. It may be observed that the foregoing inference is just if the power of declaring war had not been vested in the Legislature, but that this power naturally includes the right of judging whether the nation is under obligations to make war or not. Even though it is true that it is right of the legislature to declare war also includes the right of judging whether the US is under obligations to make War or not, it does not exclude the president to the same power. If it is the power of the Legislature to make war, then it is the duty of the executive to preserve peace until war is declared, which requires the executive to interpret treaties. There is nothing inconsistent with government which excludes the President from making a proclamation of neutrality. It is both his right and duty to enforce the laws of the Nation. The proclamation of neutrality is a statement to the U.S. people with regard to the Powers at war and makes it know that the law of neutrality is to be enforced. In doing this, the proclamation is stating a secret law. It is the power of the executive to interpret the articles of our treaties and judges the bounds of those treaties. As the organ of foreign affair the executive can consequentially affect the exercise of the Legislative war making power. The President cannot control that power except by veto. The legislature still remains free to perform its own duties in accord to its own sense of them; however, the executive actions could affect them. Therefore it is the case that because treaties are made by the President and Senate together, their activity may be suspended by the President alone. The legislator’s powers are to be constructed strictly. Although the legislature alone can declare war, and transfer the nation for peace to war, it is the executive’s power to do whatever else the laws of nations require for cooperation. In this distribution of powers the wisdom of the constitution is manifested. It is the province and duty of the executive to preserve peace. Only the legislature can interrupt those blessings. Although it is advisable to interpret the authority of the Executive on this broad and comprehensive ground, it is not absolutely necessary to do so in this case. The clause of the constitution which makes it the President’s duty to â€Å"take care that the laws be faithfully executed† might alone be relied on. The U.S.’s treaties and laws must be interpreted by the executive for execution. It is his due to proclaim the neutrality of the nation. Some view the proclamation as the enacting of some new law, but that is wrong. It only is a statement of fact in regard to the existing state of the nation, and informs the citizens of what the laws previously established require of them in the U.S. and warns them that these laws will be put into execution against their breakers.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Movie Review Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Assignment - Movie Review Example Along with the successful casting, the script and the direction are the other main features of The Cooler, the first feature directed by Wayne Kramer. Whereas the setting of the movie is generally weary and familiar, the movie cannot be considered as ordinary thing, thanks mainly to the quality of the acting and the skillful direction and scriptwriting. â€Å"The script and the direction are skillful, if occasionally gimmicky†¦ Luckily this picture is rescued from cliche by the quality of the acting, and Mr. Kramer wisely gives the actors room to work.† (Scott) Therefore, it is important to recognize that the quality of the acting and the skillful direction and scriptwriting are the basic factors that contribute to the wide acceptance of the movie The Cooler, although there is a view that the movie is unattractive and having nothing motivating or revelatory about it. In a careful observation and review of the film, it becomes lucid to the viewer that The Cooler incorporat es several ingredients of a typical drama film, and the director is satisfied to recycle familiar elements of movie-making, especially with regard to setting and story lines.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Americas defense spending Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Americas defense spending - Essay Example the portion of the United States federal budget set aside for any expenses on behalf of the Department of Defense and defense-related expenditures in general. This includes the training, salaries, and caring for all military and civilian personnel, along with maintenance of facilities and equipment, in all branches of the United States military. This expansive definition of defense spending puts the 2009 Department of Defense figure at approximately $1 trillion (Higgs). Such an expansion in the budget for defense inevitably follows as a direct consequence of military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. These two conflicts fuel the rapidly expanding allocation of federal tax revenue into defense. The efficacy of these expenditures in bringing about meaningful or measurable benefits for the American people is subject to some debate, as well as the issue of whether to increase the already overwhelming figures related to military budgets. Convincing arguments can be made for each side, w hich makes the question of increasing defense spending difficult to resolve in simple terms. In 2009, approximately 21% of the United States federal budget, and 24% of federal tax revenues, is allocated to the Department of Defense, with an additional 10% to 17% allocated to defense spending outside of the Department of Defense. Annually, military budgets expand by approximately 9%, and have done so since 2000 (Congressional Budget Office). In this time, total Department of Defense spending adds up to 4.8% of the U.S. GDP, which is not historically high, even while the Department of Defense budget, in absolute terms, is the highest it has been in history. A roughly 1% expansion in defense spending would put that 4.8% plateau of GDP back into peak military spending seen during the climax of the Cold War immediately before the collapse of the Soviet Union. The immediate impact, or tangible result, of this expansion is unclear. Nevertheless, arguments can be made for further incremental